I'm so lucky to have found this site. I feel comfort every time I enter and read all of your stories. I know I will get through this with my mom (somehow someway)

Many years ago all I could do was feel sorry and sad for people with cancer or taking care of a cancer patient. Now I feel their strength and their will to survive. Since my mom was diagnosed in Feb. 2003 I have a new view of cancer and the people affected by it. It is the hardest thing I have ever had to deal with. My mom and dad are so strong (they are my heros) I'm just not doing as well as they are. I feel like a truck is coming head-on and I'm stuck in the road and can't move. So many of you inspire me to get up and live and fight this battle. I'm an only child who dreaded the day I had to say goodbye to my mom and dad. I feel the day is closer and I'm not ready (I guess we are never ready to say goodbye to a loved one)

Anyway what I want to say to all of you is - Not everyone will write in this forum (they may only read and read and read as I did until now) but I know for sure your strength and courage is helping people and giving them the will to go on. I wish good things for everyone of you and your loved ones as well. You have no idea how many people you touch with your words.
