Helen -- thanks for sharing your true heart... let it out, friend... There are days and times when I feel this way as well, and others around me don't understand and try to "prop me up," etc. But sometimes you've just got to call a spade a spade -- this sucks at the moment and I'll get over that feeling as soon as I get my feelings out, so let me be, etc....

There is an author that I read a lot right after college, whose name escapes me now. He was an Ivy League professor with a grand resume, but felt God calling him to minister to a community of (not sure of the politically correct word for this) handicapped adults, who didn't really care about his resume but just wanted someone to talk to, be cared for by, etc.

Anyway, this author went through a period of depression as he made the adjustment to his new life's calling. And no one seemed to be able to provide comfort to him except this one Episcopal priest, who just allowed him to lay his head on his shoulder and cry whenever they met. The priest never really said anything, but just let him be, let him process, etc. Sometimes I think we need more people like that priest, folks around us who just let us be through those tough times without turning into Mr. Fix It -- "Well, what you really need to do is..."

Anyway, sorry to ramble... And thanks again Helen for being human with us and showing us all how to be human through this crazy stuff...

Tongue cancer (SCC), diagnosed Oct. 2003 (T2 N0 M0). Surgery to remove tumor. IMRT Radiation 30x in Dec 2003 - Jan. 2004. Recurrence lymph node - radical neck dissection June 2004. Second round of rad/chemo treatments ended Sept. 2004.