Hi Ray,

Last fall I had 6-1/2 weeks of radiation (both sides) for tonsil cancer (I first had surgery which removed the tonsil and many lymph nodes on the left side of my upper neck), with a daily Ethyol shot and weekly chemo (cisplatin and Erbitux).

I would highly recommend Boost Plus (or equal) rather than milkshakes due to greater calories with less volume. I had typical eating problems, then settled on 3 identical meals per day, each consisting of 2 Boost Plus (360 cal each), egg-beater omelet with cheese (sometimes added cut up ham lunchmeat), and tea with honey - about 2700 calories per day. I used less than 1 tsp of the magic mouthwash per meal (I swallowed it), although the eggs went down quite easily. I also used the salt/baking soda mix which was very helpful. I got some topical canker sore medicine from my dentist, but only needed it a few times.

With this diet I was able to hold my weight and avoid a PEG.

Best wishes,


SCC left tonsil, 2 lymph nodes, modified radical neck dissection, IMRT (both sides) completed 10/25/06, Erbitux and Cisplatin weekly, Ethyol daily