Thanks for your posts. David's headaches weren't as bad yesterday. I am probably just trying to rush the healing process. He seems to be in good spirits although we are waiting for his speech keyboard to come in and he can't communicate as much as he would like right now. My aunt commented that the plastic surgeon should be very proud of himself, as it looked like you wouldn't even be able to see the scar. My brother said, "Scars don't bother me, I'm just happy to be here." Also, (kind of a funny in this crazy world of cancer) last night David showed us his leg scar. It's healing great. He wrote on his board that they forgot to shave his leg before taking the soft tissue graft and now he has hair growing on the floor of his mouth. He smiled and chuckled. I'm so grateful his spirits are up. They leave again Sunday to go back for tests, but for now he is just happy to be home.

Sister of 32 year-old oral cancer victim. Our battle is over but the war rages on. My brother passed July 26, 2005. He was a smokeless tobacco user.