Hey Tina,
Hang in there sweetie. Dan's hair thinned from the chemo, but not total hair loss. We had some of the same things happen. Dan's oral surgeon at a small local hospital said his neck swollen gland was infection, turned out to be cancer. When he did the radical neck dissection, he couldn't even get it all it had grown so big and was wrapped around carotid and jugular. What horrible news to get on Christmas eve! But after healing for a couple of weeks he went right into very heavy rad and not so heavy chemo and so far, so good. Remember to call or write. Where will your mom do her treatments? We really need to get together. Dan and I would love to help in anyway we can. If you mom wants to talk to Dan (since he has been there thru multiple surgeries, chemo and rad), let me know. Sometimes it helps to talk to someone who has already gone thru the treatment.
Prayers and thoughts are with you and your mom and remember anything we can do...we are here closeby!!

Debbie - Caregiver for husband, Dan, diagnosed with tongue cancer 7/03. Partial gloss., mod. neck dissections, graft. Recurrence neck tumor 12/03. Radical left neck dissection 12/24/03-unable to get all the tumor. 8 weeks chemo/rad beginning 1/12/04.