Just a thought: Maybe what Anderson Cancer center is saying is "You are getting the best treatment we know of where you are right now," or "You are getting state of the art treatment." I know little about Anderson and I only offer this because there are wonderful doctors who keep up on the latest developments in their field and they may be able to offer the most recent, state-of-the-art treatment. Any new trials of experimental drugs are probably targeting certain people, for example those who are Stage III but not Stage IV with tonsil cancer. Tonya's brother may not fit their research protocol. This doesn't make him any less important as a human being.

I offer this speculation because I suspect that even the big cancer centers don't have answers for all the difficult, likely-to-be terminal cases. Even with great insurance they may not be able to do anything more than his current doctors. - Candace

Sister of guy w/base of tongue cancer, Stage IV, Dx 4/03, finished Tx 9/03