
I don't know if there is a norm, but if there is, I don't think the roommate's condition reflects it. The fact that he has both a peg and a naso tube is unusual, since they both basically do the same job. This fact alone makes me wonder if he doesn't have other more complicated issues going on. I am also surprised to hear he is on both morphine and oxycodone, unless the morphine is primary and the oxy is just being used to treat breakthrough pain. It's just my non-professional opinion, but his condition just doesn't sound anywhere near the norm. I wouldn't be too concerned, although I'm sure that is a lot easier for me to say, being as I'm not the one who is there beside him. Perhaps you could discreetly ask a nurse about it. I know they can't divulge specifics, but they could probably tell you enough to set your mind at ease.

Hang in there, wink

BTW, how is Delores? She must be one special cat for you to use hers as a screen name. laugh And I don't think you'll escape being called Delores. Just human nature to pick up on that name as it is so prominently displayed.

Was primary caregiver to my daughter Heather who had stage IV base of tongue SCC w/ primary recurrence. Original diagnosis August 21st, 2002. Primary recurrence March 18th, 2003. Died October 6th, 2003.