Hello Delores,

I also had a stage 4 tumor on my right tonsil. I was a T4NOMO. I had IMRT radiation and sailed right thru it. No mouth sores, no burning of the neck, I was lucky. I am currentely going through
chemo. Three weeks on every Monday followed by one week off. I have had no side effects from the chemo either. No throwing up at all. They do give meds to minimize the sick feeling with chemo. I am receiving Carboplatin & Taxol. So far it has held the recurrance in check. Hoping Ken sails through his treatment.

The fear of the unknown is always worse than the actual event.

Danny Boy

Daniel Bogan DX 7/16/03 Right tonsil,SCC T4NOMO. right side neck disection, IMRT Radiation x 33.

Recurrance in June 05 in right tonsil area. Now receiving palliative chemo (Erbitux) starting 3/9/06

Our good friend and loved member of the forum has passed away RIP Dannyboy 7-16-2006