I'm sorry I wasn't clear in my post. My sister will be taking care of her and the baby. My mom will be staying at my house so she can be with the baby.(I live about 60 miles from her)My sister is the real hero here. She has given every second of her time to go to every appointment with her. I can't tell you how much that means to my mom. I work full time and have a 5 month old and husband (its like having 2 kids) and 4 big dogs. Right now my sister takes my mom to all her appointments but to be totally honest with all of you she is completely mobile and aside from people starring at her because she is so red she still continues to go to the movies, cook dinner every night for her 13 year old son and my stepdad and takes walks on the beach daily. She likes to smell food even though she can't taste anything. She is really handling the whole thing well (she thinks she is the sickest person around too Minnie she has never seen the stories on this board). She was soooo excited when I got pregnant she never thought she would be a gramma. More than anything she wants to spend time with Keeley my daughter. I have taken her up to Malibu a few times for her to stay there during this and she has taken care of her with the help of my stepdad and brother.

She doesn't like feeling tired and it was only just today that her voice has gotten really bad. She never missed a radiation appointment she just waited and waited for them to fix the machine because she did not want to prolong this any more than the six weeks.

She was so healthy before all of this. I think its really hard for her to be the sick one that people have to take care of. My grandfather died of melanoma cancer when I was 9 they caught it at a really late stage and the treatments they gave him did not work. My mom was by his bedside every step of the way. I think that whole experience makes this even harder for her....

You are all wonderful. I know our lives will be back to normal soon. Its just been going on since November and its been one thing after another with the surgery etc.... Its so frustrating.


Originally joined OCF on 12/12/03 as DaniO or Danijams
Dani-Mom SCC BOT & floor of mouth surgery-recur then surgery/rads & chemo completed 3/04
surgery 11/06 to remove dead bone & replace jaw w/ leg bone & titanium plate