Hi, I read these posts real quickly yesterday morning before I left to get my stitches out. By pass her ass ,is probably the best advice I have had in a long time. I asked my ENT why people from New England to Calif. were getting their PEG food tube paid for if a physician wrote a prescription . He looks at his resident and says take care of this for her! After he left the resident and I were going over my new operation information and he said he would get working on it for me to get the food. The hospital deliverys all my other equiptment. I said do you think this will work? Oh yes, we will get it for you.I wish I had know this the first time around.This is a matter of knowing who to ask.You guys all helped me save some money I can well use for other things! Thanks.Happy Thanksgiving! smile

gnelson, StageIV, cancer free since Nov.9,2000