Hi, I need some input into this Prescription food thing I have seen posts on. Some people get their food delivered to them the same as other medical supplies that come from the hospital.I was just in the hospital and I am pureeing my food , but next step, I get the PEG tube again. I asked the nutritionist can I get food by prescription for the PEG? She looked blank , then said what insurance do you have? I told her. She said they do not like to do that ,it is just food. No it is not just food, it is expensive compared to regular food and I would not be using it if it were not for my medical condition. I said are you telling me if my Doctor writes a prescription for this The hospital pharmacy will not deliver it with the rest of my stuff??? Now they push a name brand of this food, is that the deal????Why are some people getting free food and others not?How many of you have gotten their food this way?I think I rocked the boat with this one at my hospital. Any suggestions on how I move forward with this.gnelson :rolleyes:

gnelson, StageIV, cancer free since Nov.9,2000