Dear Danny,

You've floored me once again with your loving soul!!!!!

Just so everyone else is on the same page, a couple of weeks ago, I made a comment to Danny about the cheese curds, or "turds", (as Danny and my boys so like to refer to them), that he sent us while Dennis was in treatment. My family loved them, and I was wondering where I might order more from Maryland.

Yesterday I came home to a UPS package.....straight from Danny, filled with the most aromatic, tasty cheeses you've ever experienced. Straight from the cow! smile

Boy, I love you so much. If you ever need me for anything.....please just pick up the phone or email me. I'll be there for you anyway I can. You are the lesson I was sent here to learn.

Being your friend has enriched my life in ways you will never understand. One day we WILL break that may be with the angels.........but they will rejoice the meeting of two kindred souls along with us!

You are one of a kind Danny Boy,

I love you,

Husband diagnosed with stage III tonsil and floor of mouth cancer in August 2002. Three rounds of chemo/42 RAD treatments. Upper right lung lobectomy in March 2003. (Benign)