Hi Jennifer, So happy to read that you are home. The trach scared me a lot. As far as the tongue graft, I had about 2/3 of my tongue removed and replaced with a flap from my left arm muscle and then a skin graft from upper thigh. The flap always felt tooo large for my mouth, especially in the beginning, it rubbed against my teeth. I just had it sewn down again in the middle where it had lifted a bit (I had initial surgery 3 years ago). It is much better now. It still is kind of white but better color than in the beginning....Lots of positive thoughts and prayers for you, Jennifer, you are doing well. Take Care, Carol email me if you want

Diagnosed May 2002 with Stage IV tongue cancer, two lymph nodes positive. Surgery to remove 1/2 tongue, neck dissection, 35 radiation treatments. 11/2007, diagnosed with cancer of soft palate, surgery 12/14/07, jaw split. 3/24/10, cancer on tongue behind flap, need petscan, surgery scheduled 4/16/10
---update passed away 8-27-11---