Thanks Jerry! Just sent you my phone number. I really appreciate the contact. It will be nice to speak to someone else who has had the tongue graft. The swelling is starting to go down, and it's finally starting to feel like I don't have half my arm in my mouth. I can close my teeth together a little easier.

I had to go back to the Tylenol with codeine to sleep last night. I kind of felt like it was a step backwards, but keep reminding myself it's more important to manage the pain right now.

Take care and I hope you are still doing well.


Stage II (T2N0M0) SCC diag 4/21/05; partial glossectomy & selective neck dissection (good margins and lymyph nodes negative), jaw split, 1/3 of tongue removed, free flap from left forearm - 5/23/05; 42 years old at diagnosis