My mom finished 8 weeks of radaition for the same cancer you have. She had amifostine. We did not know that the drug was so powerful and that no one can seem to tolerate this treatment drug. We thought the side effects in her mouth were the result of the radiation, but I guess a large portion of it was the amifostine. I can't say to do or not to do. But from what I have heard it protects your salivary glands which are so vital for eating (lubricates food to get it down your throat!), for speech and for fighting bacteria that live in your mouth.

They gave my mom lots of drugs to help with the side effects- anti-nausea pill each day at a $100 a pop, fluid bolus. The hardest part was the pain of the changes she experienced in her mouth. She still 10 weeks lated is struggling wit this. But maybe it would have been worse had she not had the drug.

Good luck to you and let me know how you do. Keep strong.