I wasnt sure to even be asking this but it is driving me crazy. As you all know my mom had passed away before Christmas, She had been done with treatment since last April. She did not die from the cancer, but from effects of treatment. I have been working on her cancer insurance policy and they needed me to get some of her medical records from her 3 previous hospital stays. Me and my dad both wanted to get them because we thought we might get some answers to why this had happened. Back in August she was hospitalized with very low sodium, they got that straightened out and ran numerous tests. and sent her home, all over a 2 week stay. My qustion is this. I was looking over her test results and they had done a respiratory culture that had not come back until the day after she was dicharged. It came back with a heavy pseaudamonis auergosa(not sure on spelling)infection. Why were we not notified of that? I know i am not a doctor but from looking that up online, it couldve caused alot of her problems. If a test comes back after you are discharged whos responsibility would it be to look at her chart? I'm not sure why i want to know this now, I guess I am looking for some peace. I do blame alot of her doctors. And no she was not at a major cancer center. Looking back now i wish we wouldve researched more befor treatment so i wouldve found you all befor. Any insight to this would be greatly appeciated. Thank you in advance.

Was Primary caregiver to my mom who had stage IV, SCC, Supraglottic with Mets to 4 nodes. Diagnosed Feb 04, died unexpectedly from complications from treatment December 17, 2004.