Small minnow,
Your friend might be feeling quite depressed. Being quite used to independence, he must be frustrated at feeling so lousy. I don't even have to undergo any post surgery treatments but I have lost my contractual job as a result of my cancer. I know it's a small thing but financial independence is a big thing here at home and sure doesn't help to have advertisements about the need to prepare for financial independence for old age with rising living costs etc. I feel really lousy and very sensitive and being jobless gives me more time to spiral in negative thoughts. After so many rejections (or rather response-less applications) leaves me dejected and I just feel like sleeping my life away. Concerns from friends are either too much or too little to me. Gradually, I shut them off but deep down, I wish they will stay with me, talk to me yet I always feel that they are bored with me and would be better off with their healthier friends. Continue to be there for your friend and when he's ready, talk about his inner fears and frustrations if you are also ready to hear.

mucoepidermoid carcinoma T1N0M0. DX 05-2005