I found this web site too late in fact we found everything too late. My close friend and brother of my best friend is dying at age 45. He didn't seek treatment until his tongue was so swollen, he couldn't talk or eat. It all seemed to happen so fast. He is a bachelor and it was nothing for us not to hear from him for a month, when we didn't no one questioned it really. By the time anyone, including him, found out it was too late for a cure. His MD decided to treat with radiation and chemo simultaneously for 6 weeks, I can't beleive that didn't kill him. His tumors shrunk dramatically and even went undetected during an exploratory surgery in November. By Chrismas Eve his cancer was back and this time spread to his lungs and brain. His organs have begun to shut down and they tell us it will be any day now. The hardest part for me and his sister is that he hasn't been able to speak through all of this. He trys to write but has a hard time with all the jerking his muscles are doing, in the last few days he hasn't been awake much. I know I need to say goodbye and to tell him how much laughter he has brought to my life. I'm not even sure why I am writing this, I'm too numb to talk. I want to be there for him and his family, it is so hard guessing what he would want to have done. I've read of a surge of energy, do any of you have experiences with this, when does it normally occur? His sister is scared she will miss this surge, I can't even break it to her that not all people have one.