
I truly hope that things will turn out OK.

I had first round 2004 and had surgery to remove 1/4 tip of Tongue. Then in 2005 about a year from surgery, found lump in neck.

This time had Right neck dissection, removed part neck muscle, Jugular, and lymph gland. Chemo and Radiation. Finished Jan. 20th 2006

I think about Oct. I went in again and had them check tongue. I too felt a small area that would hurt. They checked it and was not cancer but a fungi infection.

I worry about my husband and myself. I try not to show how awful I feel. This cancer has been hard on him and his emotions.
I am sure just like you.

I like reading the survivor stories. It makes me think I may have a chance. Tell your wife I am thinking of her and I pray for Both of you that the words you hear are NO CANCER.

Take care,

2004 SCC R.tip 1/4 tongue Oct. 2005 R. Neck SCC cancer/Chemo Cisplatin 2x/8wks. Rad. Removed Jugular vein, Lymph gland & some neck muscle. TX finished 1/20/06... B.Cancer 3/29/07 Finished 6/07 Bi-op 7/15/09 SCC in-situ, laser surgery removed from 1st. sight. Right jaw replacement 11/3/14. 9 yrs cancer free as of Jan. 2015