Hi Vin,

I, too, hope that the news you receive is that this issue is indeed not cancer.

My husband was diagnosed with a recurrence of SCC of the tonsil just this past September. He would have hit the five-year mark soon as the original diagnosis was rendered in May 2002.

He had neck dissection surgery in October and is now having a portion of his neck reiradiated and more Cisplatin. He commented to me and to some other radiation patients that he was glad he'd been through this before as now he knows what to expect, how he needs to think, and how thankful he needs to be for all that can be done for him. He's amazing.

I, on the other hand, am near tears constantly and afraid I'll lose the love of my life. I have to work very, very hard to stay positive. It helps to simply take it one day at a time.

Please let us know what's happening with you and your wife. You are welcome to post here or to email me privately if you wish.



C/G to husband SCC of right tonsil, Dx 5/02. Tx concurrent rad with Taxol and Cisplatin. Consolidation therapy Cisplatin and 5-FU. Recurrence 9/06, neck dissection 10/06. Tx with twice daily radiation; two in-patient infusions of Cisplatin.