Hi Amy,

Good to hear from you. I continue to read your caregiver journal religiously. You and John are amazing. I wish I had half the strength and courage that you have. I hope that John is doing better with the fever. I was happy to read that he was able to go to walmart and the gardening work with the leaf blower.

I am doing better has I am slowly getting ovet to the schock of the bad news. If it turns out to be a recurrence, we have some amazing doctors at the University of Southern California Cancer Center. So we feel that we are in very good hands.

I have the battle scars from our first round of fighting cancer and I am now a veteran. I am ready for the second fight.

I am thankful for this site and the help and support I received from you and other forum members.

I send many prayers for you and John. You are my idol.

CG to wife;
Jan 2005 DX SCC Tongue T2N1MO; RND surgery Mar 2005; 35 XRT and 4 cisplatin completed Jul 2005.
Dec 2006 tongue surgery, Scar tissue no cancer.
Feb 2010 neck node FNA - negative.
2010 ORN right jaw plus fracture
2015 ORN left jaw plus fracture
Feb 2016 Lower jaw reconstruction by Fibula free flap+titanium plate - Permanent G-tube
June 2016 Difficulty breathing - Permanent Trachea tube
Dec 2019 DX Cervical cancer - Stage 1 - Surgery Jan 16 2020.
15-20 esophagus/larynx dilations