"Stuff" happens, and then you live.

Ed's right, you're putting a lot of energy into fear right now. I can relate... I'm sure we all can... but it won't do you any good.

I never had a bit of pain until after my initial surgery. About 2-3 weeks before my dx, a lymph node became swolen and tender, but the tumor was quite small and pain free.

The swolen and tender lymph node could have been caused by something far more benign. As you will often hear on this board, it ain't cancer until the pathologist says it is.

I know it's hard, but try to put your worries out of your mind for now. Spend some time with friends and family. Catch a movie, listen to your favorite music, work on your car. Whatever helps you to relax.

Then, go see the ENT when the time comes. Good news (we all hope) or bad news, you'll be better prepared to handle it. Meanwhile, I'll keep a good thought for you.


SCCA T2N1M0 diagnosed 11/02, radical neck dissection, 7 weeks radiation, 6 surgeries to deal with osteonecrosis, 10 weeks hyperbaric oxygen. "Live strong. Laugh often."