Rosie, I know exactly what you are going through I had Danny in at the Mayo clinic they did another Biopsy at the end of Feb. and told us that it needed surgery but was not so sure that he could make it through it with the amount of weight loss and the way he continues to be losing and it would be such a radical surgery and the Mayo doctors said that Chemo would do no good because it will not shrink or halt the tumor. It never really went away it just shrank in size and continued on growing down in the base of his tongue. We talked to the ONO and she agreed that we should not have the surgery and just live one day at a time and come to grips with this because she gives Danny about 8 months as a educated guess to survive. He opted not to take his whole Jaw off or the third or more of the tongue out because its so radical that they do not think it will help. I will pray for your daughter she is young and Danny is 55 years old so she probally has a better chance. Bobbie 232

bobbie jensen