Hi Jenn, My husband Jack had half of his soft palate removed, tonsil, and a resection of the base of his tongue via robotic assited surgery at the University of PA hospital. He also had a level V neck dissction, which removed the entire right chain of lymph nodes and part of his shoulder muscle.

I am sure that you are very anxious over this, it's good to take Jerry up on the offer to do the velscope. I get that done every 6 months, it's painless and gives you peace of mind. Jack is now getting it done as well to check for recurrences.

Since you're alrady hooked up at the Mayo clinic that's a very good resource. There are also comprehensive cancer centers in Philly and New York. Where in NJ do you live? Please feel free to email me if you have other questions.

Yes they did the biopsy first and then decided on the treatment plan. It's customary to do that. You will probably also have a CT scan.

Regards JoAnne

JoAnne - Caregiver to husband, cancer rt. tonsil, mets to soft palate, BOT, 7 lymph nodes - T3N2BM0, stage 4. Robotic assisted surgery, radical neck dissection 2/06; 30 IMTX treatments and 4 cycles of cisplatin completed June 06.