Thanks everyone for responding and the advice.

I have no clue how to "PM" a person on here or even add an email address. Maybe someone can possibly help a scared, un-savy woman with computer lingo?LOL..I have no idea how to even set up a profile.

On a serious note here I am trying to prepare myself for the worse. I am going with my "woman" instinct and I honestly feel something in my body that just doesn't belong? Does that sound totally nuts or what? I am usually in the gym 5x a week, 2 hours each time, and I honestly think I could be a poster child for an ADHD adult! My energy level 6 months ago was sky high and now I feel like a 80 year old woman who belongs in a rocking chair. I guess I no longer feel like an ADHD adult but rather an exhausted human being.

Joanna? What type of surgery did you have? Did you have massive head pressure and ear pain? Where did the cancer spread to?

Petey they have no explanation, even the MAYO Maxo Doc said he sees nothing hence the reason I am going back out there on June 25th and I will insist on this biopsy. Will that hurt?

Jerry, I spoke with my Oral/Maxo Dr here in Jersey ( I am in Princeton) and I see him on Thursday June 21st. He then said I can take the result and pictures out to the Mayo on June 25th. The Mayo wants no biopsy done before I get out there because they do not want me to travel on a plane stiched up. So I have a feeling biopsy will be done when I get there with the results of my visit here with my oral/maxo Doc.

One last question? Wouldnt this tumor or whatever the hell it is growing in my mouth show up on a test? I mean I have had cat, MRI, and even a pet scan. The MRI showed something but because of the fillings I have in my mouth, the pictures were not as clear as they wanted. How about blood work? Would that show something?

