Thank you all for your replys.
Lisa, I am so sorry to hear about your aunt. I can surely feel your pain. I am so sorry.
I finally just ordered the carnation drink off amazon. I couldn't get it at any local pharmacies.
We went to see the dr. on wed. This is the plan.
Monday he is going to put my brother to sleep to explore him more and put a feeding tube in.
He said he wants to make sure nothing else is lurking around is the way he put it. He doesn't think so, but just wants to explore more and per haps take more biospies. He doesn't want to do surgery because it would require removing a large part of his tongue.
The plan is radiation and chemo. The dr. felt pretty confident that this would take care of it.
The cancer is on the left side of his tongue and 3 lymph nodes are enlarged.
He goes to see the radiation dr. and oncologist on thurs/fri to find out what they are going to do.
What actually shrinks the cancer the radiaiton or chemo???? I'm not familiar with all this.
Any information would be greatly appreciated.

All I can do is take one day at a time. This is not easy. I am trying to stay positive, but is very hard.
All I know is what this disease has done to my mother and this is what makes it so hard to stay focused on the positive.
Reading all the positive stories on this site gives me hope.
I did tell the dr. about my mothers case, so he is very aware of what happened. He said he has been doing this for 20years, and he see's 80% of his cases are head and neck cancer. So I put my trust in him.
I am already amazed that we got him to see this dr. the next day and the following week doing the peg and seeing the rad/oncology dr. so quickly and not having to wait weeks.
If he sees the oncologist on thursday, does anyone know how soon they would start chemo????

And see's the radation dr. on Friday, How soon will he start his radiation?????
I know he has to be fitted for a mask etc. not sure how soon they would start radiation.

And does anyone know is the chemo once a week or everyday or what????
Having a plan will help ease our anxiety.
