Wow you all sound like I need to rethink the cemo part. So I will talk with the cemo Dr and see how they feel. But right know my Rad Dr. says it is not critical for cemo and he says he is going after a complete cure. But I will keep an open mind till I see the other DR.

August I don't know if it is a Compresive Cancer Center, but it is in one of our major hospitals here and it is the Radiation Oncology Section. They have already done the PET scan of the neck area and another of the entire body. The only hot spots they found was behind the cyst that was removed, it did not pick up the cancer in the tonsil tonsil.

So 2 weeks later the ENT removed the tonsil as a precaution and found what they say was the sorce. At that time he said I would only get RadX on the left side, but the Radiation Oncologist says no we have to do both sides, because of the fact that it can jump to the other side, so once again precautions.

I do not know what type of radX, but I go for the PEG tube tommorrow, so I will go see the Oncolgist and ask what stage and type of radT. I dont know what IMRT is, So another reason I am on here, Thanks for everybody help.