The surgery was completed yesterday. I was very relieved when I spoke with the surgeon. He had me sign an informed consent and the name of the procedure has been changed to removal of malignancy from right central tongue. He said that he anticipated very little was going to be removed. He even commented that this would most likely be the smallest or one of the smallest cancers he sees all year. I know that I need to be grateful for the very early diagnosis that I have been blessed with. I just think that somehow I can not accept that I have been this lucky to have caught this so early. It is almost like I feel that how can I be so lucky when I have read what so many others have had to endure.

I was out under general anesthesia. I was very scared because the anesthesiologist said that they would need to intubate me. That was concerning. And of course I was afraid of general anesthesia. I am sure that this is my control freak personality. I know that I need to work on this control freak nature if I am going to successfully get through this.

The surgery was completed with the following report about margins according to the pathologist:

Right lateral margin tongue negative for dysplasia or malignancy.

Tongue medial margin negative for dysplasia or malignancy.

Tongue deep margin negative for dysphasia or malignancy.

Those are the only three margins that are reported. Is this all of the margins ?

The surgeon notes are:

“The index tumor was identified on the central aspect of the right tongue. Using needle tip electrocauterization a partial glossectomy was conducted into the intrinsic muscles of the tongue. The ventral lingual vein was cauterized with bipolar cautery. The periphery and deep basin of the defect was reexcised for margins control under frozen sections analysis. All margins were negative “

According to the surgeon there is going to be another pathology report in a few days that will determine the stage of the cancer. At least that is what I think will happen. Does it sound like I got this correct ?

Thank you all for your input and support.