Dear Another Journey,

Welcome to OCF. Glad you reached out. Tons of wonderful people here that want to help.

The good news is you caught this very early. Oral cancer is much easier to treat when caught early. You are treatable and now also aware so you will be able to stay on top of this. Your dentist and medical team did all the right things up front quickly.

Cancer is a scary, fickle beast but they know how to attack it.

Mine was caught late (stage 4) so I went through major surgery, radiation, and many months of recovery three years ago. I have been back to full bore life for over 2 years. It was a hard rode but I am better for it. I learned to be more grateful for every day and found a faith I never could before.

You can do this. Keep asking lots of questions of your medical team. I found information helped me deal with it. I recommend a book called "Anticancer". It is packed with all kinds of details and research, data, etc.

Stay safe and keep the faith. Keep us up to date and sending more prayers.


OC thriver, Tongue Stage IV, diag 3/12/20, surg 4/1/20, RT compltd 7/8/20