Hi Kimmy,

I had my fibula free flap reconstruction surgery in May 2019. I had a 3 cm tumor in my cheek & a .5 under my tongue, so half my tongue was removed. I didn’t have pain in my face at all; my leg hurt & the trachea was terrible because I had formed a blood clot in my brachial branch that was preventing me from getting enough air. For 5 days they told me to “just calm down” until the clot slipped & I couldn’t breathe at all. They scoped it out - but if you’re not getting enough air through your trach - be persistent in telling them!

I was in the hospital 13 days, trach tube removed before I went home, had a g-tube 4 months & had 30 rounds of radiation. The radiation really wasn’t bad. I’d swallow & hold my trachea closed when I knew the laser was coming near my throat. I believe this protected it somewhat from getting raw. I didn’t get any burns.

My swallowing is pretty good. I’d practice while driving to work. I do have a speech impediment because of my tongue, but I can be understood.

My cheek is sunken, but that’s because I had a tumor removed. Your cheek might not be affected. My new jaw works just fine!

I started feeling better after 4 months, and back to normal after 6. I was 65 when I had the surgery. Your recovery may be a lot quicker. DO the physical therapy they teach you. It will help!

Good luck & let us know how you’re doing.
