Dear ACJ,

Wow, I am so sorry to hear of your situation. I echo Steve's advice and have been through the fear of a sudden stage 4 cancer diagnosis, major surgery, and radiation. Some things that helped me cope - exercise (esp outside in nature), reading, faith time, daily time with loved ones, writing (Journal), proper eating...I made up daily goals for each category and scored myself. A high score and i would treat myself (ice cream or a cookie or ?)

In the thick of it all, I had up and down days especially right after surgery. Sometimes it was hard to find hope. But, I can tell you, it came, sometimes through prayer, sometimes thru a text, sometimes thru a Nurse, sometimes thru a stranger sitting next to me. I look back on all that now as a gift. I found a deeper faith than i ever thought possible. And, although I still live with the uncertainty of cancer coming back for the rest of my life, I have more peace and joy and see the world in a different light now.

Hang in there. Look for joy and peace every day, even if it is a tiny thing, like the smile or hug from a loved one. Keep us up to date.

Stay safe and keep the faith,

OC thriver, Tongue Stage IV, diag 3/12/20, surg 4/1/20, RT compltd 7/8/20