I experienced similar problems with brutal treatments..so fully understand, relate, and sympathize with you.
You will find this forum helpful and reassuring.
I don't have any words of wisdom..but do have a diet/feeding tube food supplement suggestion for those here who are retired and on a fixed budget.
Seven years ago l was using a feeding tube..and the cost of canned supplements was enormous, as it is essential to keep to the suggested 1500-2000 calorie intake to maintain your weight.
I recalled that years ago when my son had surgery on his jaw, and had to drink his meals....amongst other supplements, they suggested high calorie evaporated milk..
They also suggested high calorie condensed milk added to shakes and smoothies.
Walmart sells a large can for about $1.25...and contains close to 500 calories.
Granted evaporated milk may not be as nutritional as Boost or Ensure..protein content is probably lower....but when you have cancer and you are on a tight budget...every cent you save is good.

Last edited by exiledbrit; 06-29-2022 06:09 AM. Reason: Second thoughts