Hey all - I was curious about MuddyB00ts, so I clicked on her Facebook page (it's linked on her profile) and found out some sad news that she likely passed about a month and a 1/2 ago (March 9).


If the link does not work, here's what she said:

"An update : been hospitalized for over a week now. First it was complications from the feeding tube, now it's the fact that the tumor has grown big enough to block my airway since I lost consciousness and they had to put a breathing tube in.
After being given the options we're likely going to elect to try to pull the tube soon (under heavy sedation) and hope I pass as quickly and fast as possible yjju I le.
Feel free to DM me. I'm open to pretty much any question - no Shane did being curious! I'm on lots of great pain meds, so replies not guaranteed and not guaranteed to make sense.
I'll mask sure Clark (or someone) is responsible for posting that I've passed or changing my status so you know when there's no longer a point in reaching out (on this plane)."

Godspeed and peace to MuddyB00ts.