My recovery diary was moved to the blog section. Right now I'm about three and a half weeks after my last treatment and all weird tastes are gone, I can eat most foods, but my sense of taste is either gone or very dull. I can't taste sweet or salty at all. My mouth is still sensitive, so eating causes a little pain, but I can eat tortillas, bread, pizza. The softer the food the longer it takes for my mouth to get sore. I never had any saliva issues, but I do have a cough that my doctor doesn't understand. It may be due to increased sensitivity, the thick mucous, or the tiny blisters that pop up on the insides of my cheeks and roof of my mouth. This is happening a little less and has improved because previously it actually caused some vomiting before. My energy is probably 80%. I just finished my first week back at work and they say I'm looking and acting more like myself. My skin is still dark and dry/flaky.

My mantra through the whole ordeal was "this is temporary" and I saw that you posted something similar in another thread. When you're going through this time seems to drag -it feels like it's never going to end, but keep reminding yourself it will. I had check off boxes for all my treatments, I had a countdown widget on my phone, and for the last 9 I changed my phone wallpaper to the number of treatments left. Just remember that that 2 week period after radiation ends it probably the worst. With pain meds and Ensure or Boost you'll get through it. For now I'd say keep active and do all the things you love as much as possible while you feel good and if you get depressed force yourself to do those "normal" things slowly, or participate in other ways. I really think having things going on other than being a patient helps keep spirits up and treatment in perspective. Good luck.

dsm girl at gee male