Hi all. I’d first like to say I appreciate your time especially since I have not formally been d/x as of yet. I’m looking for next step opinions so that I don’t make the mistake of not advocating enough for myself.

I recently switched dentists and while doing a normal cleaning they noted two small white areas of concern. One in my cheek & another under my tounge - both on the same side. At first glance they explained it as me biting my cheek and the toughness of the teeth around the area. They also noted a small mark where my wisdom teeth were removed years ago. I had never seen these spots before but I also hadn’t ever looked. Another dentist was called in and she said she was concerned and referred me to an oral surgeon for a swab.

Turns out my insurance is terrible and no oral surgeons around here accept it. Being as anxious as I am I quickly googled if anyone else could d/x oral cancer and found an ENT that got me in rather quickly. Research showed me I’d likely need a biopsy not just a swab and I went in fully expecting I’d receive a date for one. Instead this ENT did his inspection and said he didn’t see cause for any biopsy. He too said based on my health history and what he saw it was likely just irritation from my teeth and me biting my cheek. Sure it was nice to hear he didn’t have concerns but I asked if we should biopsy just in case. He didn’t even want to swab it. Said to come back in 3 months and then if it still looks the same we could possibly swab/biopsy then. My family thinks I’m crazy for not just accepting this answer - mainly b/c of my age , female, Heath and insane anxiety.

I guess my question is who is the best person to talk to about this? Should I pay an insane amount out of pocket for an oral surgeon that may swab? Should I call another ENT? Or is waiting the 3 months acceptable? I have no pain or any other symptoms. Thanks in advance!
