Hey All,

I'm 4 months out from last treatment and my mouth feels as dry as it did 4 months ago. Well....not quite, but almost. I'm still on a liquid diet. I drink 5 Ensure Plus' (350 calories each) a day to reach my minimum caloric intake to maintain my weight. It is still very difficult for me to swallow anything but liquids because of my dry throat. I had my esophagus checked last week to make sure it didn't need to be dilated, and it didn't. So definitely related to saliva, and my loss of appetite does not help. I went to my dentist for the first time since treatment last Thursday and my gums looked good, but I have 7 cavities!! The Ensure is horrible for my teeth. Anyway........my dentist prescribed me NeutraSal. I looked it up and it sounds really promising for improvement in saliva, speaking, tasting and eating. Of course it was THEIR site. LOL

Has anyone out there tried that product?

Stage I floor of mouth cancer 2012. Surgery only.
Recurrence stage IV floor of mouth October 2018.
Surgery, 2 rounds of chemo and 35 radiation treatment.
Completed treatment March 2019.
Female 57