You're awesome Christine! Thank you so much for you encouraging and reassuring words. Yes, my main concern is my nutrition. I still have the PEG tube in. My doctor told me on my last visit that if I can maintain my weight for two weeks without using the tube, then he'll take it out. I decided to challenge myself two weeks ago and not use the tube, which I have succeeded at, and maintained my weight by drinking Ensure Plus. I have an appt. with him this Thursday, June 20th. I would LOVE to have this tube gone, but I'm afraid I might get sick of Ensure and not be able to eat enough normal food to keep myself sustained. I've lost 20 lbs. and I wasn't a big girl to begin with. Not sure what I should do. If only I knew I'd be eating fairly normally within a couple of months, but we don't, do we.

Take Care

Stage I floor of mouth cancer 2012. Surgery only.
Recurrence stage IV floor of mouth October 2018.
Surgery, 2 rounds of chemo and 35 radiation treatment.
Completed treatment March 2019.
Female 57