Hi All! I am 2 months shy of a year out from end of treatment but I am wondering when or if I will gain weight again. What has been the long-term experience of folks here? I know most or all of us lose a bunch of weight when we go through the treatments and I was no exception. But it has been months since I have been able to eat again and I'm eating 1900+ calories a day (according to my nutritionist I should be eating 1500-1600 per day to maintain my weight), so why am I not gaining any weight? Doctors simply shrug and tell me to eat ice cream. It's frustrating advice because: 1. calories isn't the problem; 2. sugar tastes like salt to me so ice cream is disgusting; and, 3. ice cream is not healthy so why are they telling me to eat crap?

Don't get me wrong, if this is my new normal, that's fine. I'm too thin right now (I'm not even on the BMI chart), but there are worse long term side effects, so I'm not complaining. I just want to know if I should go ahead and buy clothes that fit now or just keep getting a few things from the thrift shop and cinching my belt. If I'm going to gain weight again soon, I will not buy new clothes. If this weight is something I am likely to maintain for awhile, then I will get new clothes. What has been your experience?

Thanks in advance!