Interesting about the drugs! I'm several years out from treatment (not from side effects, alas), so not sure if it would help ... my doctor has said we'll run some tests just to be sure that we're not missing something. (He was due for a bone density test himself, so he was going to make sure it didn't involve any contortions before scheduling one for me while healing. He's cool like that.)

So far just screws (so I can't make any wisecracks about having a few screws loose anymore, LOL), but they did say if I'm not careful how I let it heal, that could change. Not sure if they were serious or just trying to make sure I keep off my feet as much as possible, but I'm trying to be careful. It's weird because it doesn't hurt as much as I would have expected ... it hurts, but not screamingly awful. Mostly when I do something I shouldn't, or when the dog climbs in my lap and uses my scar side as her way up (ouch!).

I thought it was radiation scatter when I broke my shoulder ... but no way that would be likely for the hip, so I'm guessing chemo (the orthopedic surgeon's nurse at my follow-up thought so too, after reviewing the bad opinions given by some of the hospital doctors). But if I weren't naturally prone to tripping, it probably wouldn't matter quite so much.

Long ramble ... sorry ...

Surgery 5/31/13
Tongue lesion, right side
SCC, HPV+, poorly differentiated
T1N0 based on biopsy and scan
Selective neck dissection 8/27/13, clear nodes
12/2/13 follow-up with concerns
12/3/13 biopsy, surgery, cancer returned
1/8/14 Port installed
PEG installed
Chemo and rads
2/14/14 halfway through carboplatin/taxotere and rads
March '14, Tx done, port out w/ complications, PEG out in June
2017: probable trigeminal neuralgia
Fall 2017: HBOT
Jan 18: oral surgery