Thank you for the replies, it is very much appreciated. We went to OHSU Knight Cancer Institute which is a comprehensive cancer center in Portland, Oregon. Our physician is the assistant professor of Head and Neck Oncologic surgery at OHSU and is the Director of Head & Neck Clinical Trials there as well. He said that OHSU just completed a trial that said the outcomes of surgery vs. radiation as the primary treatment were almost identical. But for our own peace of mind, I have contacted the Otolaryngologist who first diagnosed my husband to get his opinion as well. Dr. Funk was the head of Otolaryngology at the University of Iowa Hospital and specialized in oncologic head and neck cancer before he moved to Oregon to semi-retire. I value his professional opinion very much.

Christine and Stef, your advice of not rushing into a plan has made me feel so much better. I only want what will be the best outcome for my husband, so I will be making plans for a second opinion. He did receive good news from the dentist today- all of his teeth are great except for a bottom molar that will need to be removed because it could cause trouble down the road. They took impressions to fit him with fluoride trays so he can get fluoride treatments everyday after radiation.

Thanks again everyone. I feel so much better conversing with people who have a great knowledge of this and offer great advice. I will keep you posted! smile


Caregiver to hubby Rex
DX May 2017 at 44 years old
T2N2cM0 P16+
6/2017 PET scan showed neck involvement only
7/24/17 Started 35 RADS and weekly Carboplatin