Thank you for responding! Oddly I am feeling The strength of support from this forum!

My husband is amazing and gives 100 %
Around the house! He loves to cook and wants to be in charge of the kitchen. First time in my life I am blessed with a partner that loves to cook. My mom, son, 2 sisters all live 2-4 miles from me. So I think I can lean on them.

Setting up a den is a perfect idea as we are on the 2nd floor of our house! Two bedrooms and a bathroom. So that plan would definitely work!

Wow!!!!! You nailed it on the head! Emotional Blackmail! And yes this tactic has worked in the past! Not so sure my sweet husband can uphold the "tough love" concept. This is his only son, the youngest, has been arrested twice for possession and is allowed to smoke pot in our home despite my demands that he doesn't partake. Especially when they don't work or clean up after themselves or help!!! But I know I need to focus on me and I need a harmonious environment even before the diagnosis!

SCC 4a Biopsy- under tongue 4/7/17 results Squamous Cell Carcinoma. Surgery scheduled 5/9/17. Tumor Boarf reviewing case next Wednesday 5/3/17 Appt surgery/reconstruction/involvement TBD a affected area-base of tongue on the entire right side floor of mouth from base of tongue to wall of mandible, lymph nodes in neck involved. Proceeding w/PET, surgery/ reconstruction TBD, trach, port, radiation, chemo, feeding tube. Learning from you everyday. DeboraLee