No member of my "team" understood post-treatment issues. And seeing some them afterward (one by one) was of little to no help. In this world of specialists, I guess we need one more, which would be a doctor who specializes understanding post-treatment issues and how to handle them.

Regarding postural hypotension, I assume you were given Florinef. There are other medications, and this is all best handled by a cardiologist. Because the first thing to try is graduated support hose (via prescription). There are also drugs like Midodrine and Desmopressin. Neither of which should be prescribed trivially.

What I ended up doing (with my cardiologists blessings) is adding sea-salt to a pitcher of water. One teaspoon per 2 liters. And monitoring my blood pressure (lying, sitting, standing) twice a day. I became worried that my blood pressure was getting too high, so now I only do this in the first pitcher of the day. I'd go back to the cardiologist again, but other illnesses keep taking priority. Eventually, though. Because this is helping very little, and near-syncope is no fun at all.

Squamous cell carcinoma base of tongue. Lymph involvement unclear; staging placed at "2 or 3." Biopsy 4/18/2008. Treatment: IMRT every day for 7 weeks. Cisplaten once a week to sensitize cancer to radiation. Treatment ended 7/16/08. PET/CT shows no more cancer.