I had a clear scan in August...all but one lymph node that was slightly larger than previous scans. At regular ENT appointment two weeks ago, my ENT decided to ulta-sound it that node, and again...it was slightly larger than in August, so he biopsied it, and it came back positive.

I had a PET scan last week, and the ONLY places that show activity is in two lymph nodes by my collarbone. Anybody else ever have this happen?

I'm scheduled for a neck dissection Nov 13th...and I don't see my Oncologist until day after tomorrow so I don't know what else they have up their sleeves. I've already had 35 rad treatments and chemo (Cisplatin and 5FU)....

Of course, I'm nervous as a cat...


Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma Stage III T1N2M0, diagnosed March, 2012...Treatments started April 24, 2012, finished 8/28/12.