I am a 72 yo male who completed chemo and radiation for oral cancer 18 months ago. Surgery was done and a very small part of the tongue was removed. My last PET scan wsa done on 8-18-15 and was NEGATIVE! My speech has been affected only slightly and I can eat almost anything (except spicy foods and most breads). I am having persistent problems in two areas: 1) slowly advancing fibrosis in the neck and throat areas--which seem to be causing me more trouble with swallowing, and 2) pain on the right top area of the tongue as well as on the right floor of the mouth. My oncology docs seem rather dismissive of these complaints and always remind me that "you are still alive" and "since you no longer have cancer we have nothing else to offer". Does anyone know what type of doctor one goes to with tongue and mouth issues? Quality of life is now the issue for Me. I am grateful to be alive and appreciate all the oncology docs have done. Thank you!