Thank each of you for responding and for your encouraging words. Unfortunately, my doctors did not foresee the side effects of the Erbitux happening so quickly. They thought it would be a couple of weeks, but it hit hard about 7 hours after finishing my first round of chemo. Tough couple of days but feeling better now with the proper nausea meds and fluid drip.

Cheryl, I am in a CCC, I am just finding communication between the different departments (nursing, appointments, nutritional therapist, speech/swallow therapist, insurance liason, etc.) can be less than ideal.

Again, thank you all so much:)

48 year old male, non smoker, former drinker
HPV positive
7/13/15 diagnosed SCC, base of tongue over midline.
8/17/15 start 33 radiation treatments and 6 weeks of erbitux