Hello Julia,

I have had this procedure. Known as a maxillectomy, it can involve the removal of bone under the eye, around and including the nose, cheek, jaw and palate. All of these can be replaced with a plastic prothesis or alternatively with a flap from the patients own body. Your son will have the bones and blood supply taken from his shoulder. I had mine taken from my leg, the fibula bone.

The surgery is long and complicated. The immediate post surgery requires a great deal of care, and attention. You do not want complications. After about a week there will be a great improvement, and things will continue to improve for months afterwards. It is amazind how well the flaps work.

I have had a Weber Fergusson incision for this surgery twice, and that does take time to heal. The scars are very fine, and hardly observable. The big challenge is learning to swallow, eat, and speak. They come back slowly, and it does take patience. My recovery has been like a long running soap opera. Something happens everyday, but over a week not much has happened at all. You have to be a dedicated fan to stick with the story.

The follow up radiation therapy was challenging. However, the answer is strick discipline and following the protocols around mouthwashing and oral care carefully. I found my taste was severely impacted, and by the end of it managing the blisters, and ulcers was trying. The saddest part was losing my eye lashes and part of my hair. My appetite disappeared with my taste, and I had to be disciplined to consume the right amount of calories per day. Real food was best, and topping up with Ensure and smoothies worked at the end. Energy does very during radiotherapy. Monday and Tuesday were good, Friday and Saturday not good at all. Sunday full of energy, just in time to start the whole thing again.

However, all has now recovered, my hair and lashes are back. My taste and appetite have returned, although I feel I have the taste buds of a five year old. No to chilli and curry. They have to be relearnt. A definite no to smoking, alcohol and other toxins. Healing takes times and the right physiological environment.

I have used complimentary therapies, including massage, meditation and yoga. There are some great apps for your phone for meditation, anywhere, anytime. I have had the benefit of a psychologist, who has helped me focus on the positives, and there are many. She is also paid to listen to my discontent. That saves my family and friends, and keeps them supporting me.

If I taken anything away from the last year it would be this. The more you help yourself, the more help you will receive. Being positive, polite and engaged in your treatment, helps the team to work with you.

I wish your son the very best.

Adenoid cystic carcinoma - right maxilla
24.09.14 Right maxillectomy
08.12.14 Reconstruction of maxillary defect with left fibula free flap.
23.12.14 Endoscopic medial maxillectomy.
31.03.15 Completion of IMRT, 60 Gy 30 fractions.
24.08.15 Secondary reconstruction of right mid face, utilising right radial forearm free flap.

Happy :-)