That's good if your son can eat "mushy foods" - Here are some from one of Christine's posts:
<<soft scrambled eggs with cheese
poached eggs
milkshakes (I used to drink choc/peanutbutter milkshakes daily)
baked beans mashed up like mashed potatoes
mashed potatoes
mashed sweetpotatoes, or candied sweet potatoes
chicken and stars soup
wonton soup
french onion soup (can make very easily at home, just beef broth and sauteed onions, piece of toast on top and provolone cheese broiled to melt it)
pancakes w/ real maple syrup or smucker's blueberry syrup
french toast
canned carrots
peas or green beans mashed
glazed carrots
cottage cheese
buttered soft, fresh white bread with jelly
soft serve ice cream
tomato soup made with milk
zucchini squash either dipped in egg and lightly fried or sauteed in butter
canned peaches or pears
asparagus (overcooked)
baked potato with butter and sour cream
Some meats are very tender when cooked in a pressure cooker like turkey legs.
To help balance your diet, add a scoop of dry carnation instant breakfast to milkshakes. >>

When my son had a really sore mouth, his favorite was softly scrabbled eggs with melted cheese on top. The eggs just slid right down.
Re a feeding tube, when the doctor asked my son if he wanted one, it kind of scared us, but what did we know? We hadn't found OCF yet and so we said "No" but it's only temporary and thinking back, I wish he would have had it - it might have avoided a lot of pain. So you should definitely ask about it. It's better to be prepared. Hope everything goes well next week.

CG to son, Paul (age 33, non-smoker) SCC Stage 2, Surgery 9/21/06, 1/6 tongue Rt.side removed, +48 lymph nodes neck. IMRTx28 completed 12/19/06. CT scan 7/8/10 Cancer-free! ("spot" on lung from scar tissue related to Pneumonia.)