I am looking for some insight on second surgeries after treatments have failed. Is a small chance for cure worth the risks of a potentially aggressive surgery? Forgive me if this has been discussed elsewhere.

My mother is 72, but up until now, was a pretty active and youthful woman. Currently, she is in a lot of pain on a daily basis, and she's pretty run down from 3 weeks of FNA, bronch/chest biopsy, and a surgical biopsy. She has had a recurrence just 3 months after completing post-hemiglossectomy radiation and chemo. The recurrence now has been confirmed at BOT, very close to her flap. Her surgeon presented the option of another glossectomy surgery, since reirradiation so soon after her first radiation is contraindicated, and chemo was really tough on her hematologically and would not be curative anyway. He said that the surgery would be tougher this time around, with very slow healing due to recent radiation. However, he believed that there is a chance, however small, that the surgery could be curative, and she may well be able swallow again after she heals. We had a second opinion because we felt we should do that in light of the stakes, and after a thorough records review and a 30 minute appointment, the second surgeon indicated that he's not sure he would even consider doing her surgery, because although it COULD be curative, the surgery might have too great an impact on her functionally, and could result in a total glossectomy and maybe even a laryngectomy if she can't manage secretions afterward. He seemed to think it better to do chemo if she has something longer-range she wants to "live to see," or hospice and a morphine pump if she has nothing in particular on the horizon and is just fed up with the pain. He said there are trials out there, but he had none to offer at this time, and they would only extend her life by a few months anyway. I'm paraphrasing a bit, but this is what was communicated. She trusts and loves her surgeon and team, but after the second opinion, she has some thinking to do. Her surgery is scheduled for late next week.

I guess I know she has to decide for herself, but I wondered if anyone else who has struggled with a similar decision might have some words of wisdom.

Mom (beautiful soul) 12/4/14 SCC L tongue (neg. biopsy 10/14);
1/8/15 hemiglossectomy/neck dissection: T3N1, extracapsular extnsn, PNI, pseudoglandular/spindle cell, margins not clr;
2/2/15 RT/carbo/taxol;
4/15/15 CT clr;
5/15 neuropathic/trigeminal pain/headaches;
6/15 recurrence flap margins/BOT; cancer encroaching skin
7/23/15 hemiglossectomy; clr margins & nodes
10/22/15 CT: nasopharyngeal tumor, jaw, and necrotic nodes; tumor under chin/corner of mouth
11/5/15 left cancer behind