Hi Peter!
Hope you are continuing to do well in your healing. Your original post you were asking about a PEG tube and I wanted to agree with Brian that after a while the ability to taste suffers! I developed food aversions and did not want to eat. Fortunately I never was unable to swallow but there were times I did not want to swallow and there were times I was too exhausted to eat. I would vote for a PEG for anyone with OC.

Stage IV(T2N2bMo)tonsillar squamous cell CA in 2008. Surgery followed by Cisplatin, Docetaxel, Fluorouracil, followed with Carboplatin and TomoTherapy 33 fractions. Had PEG & Port. Current problems with dysphagia, choking, dry mouth, radiation caries, recent voice change. 2009 thyroid CA followed with radioactive iodine, 2009 melanoma wide resection. CT, MRI, PET all clear. Currently seeing a prosthadontist for restoration of tooth loss.