Hi Pete,

I had my surgery on Feb 10th and started chemo & rads 4/4 soI am just a little further down the road than you are at this point. I just finished my 4th week of radiation and I highly recommend the PEG tube. I had mine placed while I was in for surgery originally as I needed it while my free flap graft healed. My doctors tell me I am doing great for how far I am with radiation (no sunburn yet but the mouth sure is tender), but I did end up losing 9 lbs last week when I went full time back to the tube. Had to up the volume of Isosource and Liquid Hope (the two liquids I am using), and I am doing much better.

I am having weekly infusions of Cisplatin as well. We skipped last week due to an increase in the tinnitus in my ear. The two main side effects of Cisplatin (so I have been told) are peripheral neuropathy and hearing loss. Since my hearing was compromised just prior to my original surgery (chemical reaction) my doc has been watching for this. So, we took a break and are back for infusion #4 Monday. The good news is that if you have this reaction to Cisplatin, it usually goes away after you are done with the treatment. I figure alive and deaf is better than hearing and well, you know.

I completely agree with Uptown - you need to stay ultra hydrated. Aloe and coconut water help (I get mine at Trader Joes), extra free water (what you drink besides the water you drink with formula), keep swallowing every day. I can only tolerate water now due to the radiation, but I don't stop.I still swallow all my pills with water, but that might be more difficult if more of your throat is treated.

Best wishes to you as your treatment moves forward,


11/2014 - DX SCC, S3N0M0
Non-smoker/drinker/drugs, no cancer of any kind in family, HPV negative
2/10/15 neck dissection, nodes removed (all clear), moderately differentiated mass removed from cheek & hinge of jaw, free flap graft. Clear margins. Micro infiltration into some of the vascular structures in the local area of tumor. PEG tube 1 week later
4/6/15 - Begin 40 Rads & 4 rounds Cisplatin
5/27/15 - rads & chemo complete.
12/5/15 - PET/CT clear. Watch & wait...